Intro - It's a Rainy Night


It’s 6 pm Friday when you get home from work. As usual, you pick up the post on your way to the front door. As you quickly go through the letters a postcard catches your attention. There’s no recipient name on it. You inspect the postal stamp and are surprised to see where it comes from. You don’t know anyone from Dragon Valley.

You turn the card around and look for the sender’s name but there’s nothing... Just a message.

That’s strange… Your colleagues didn’t mention a party this weekend... And Dragon Valley from all places...

“Aww, maybe they forgot to tell me. Or they want to surprise me. After all, it's my birthday in a month...” You think and throw the card on the coffee table. You open the fridge and go and relax on the sofa with a cold one. You watch the local news on the television and wonder what you will wear to the party.

Saturday afternoon comes and it's raining cats and dogs...

 Hopefully, the guests won't be late because of the rain! 

Luckily there are already others waiting to be invited inside. To kill time they meet and greet the guest they aren't familiar with.

London: Hi, I'm London Ramsey... It seems that I was all wrong about the party! I thought it was one of our normal office parties and suspected to see my colleagues here. But now I don't know anyone!

Dr. Sapphira Pratchett: Haha, that's what I thought too. An office party. Guess we were all wrong. By the way, I'm Dr. Sapphira Pratchett. Know me better, then you can call me Saph.

Looks like another guest has arrived.

Kerbie Kerfunkel: Hey Guys! Am I late for the party? *looking around* I guess not... I don't see any familiar faces. They will be definitely late!

London: Nah, just the two of us? I'm London Ramsey and the beautiful lady here is Doctor Sapphira Pratchett. If I may ask... Who are you? 

Kerbie: Aww... Sorry... How rude of me not to introduce myself! I'm Kerbie Kerfunkel and as you can see on my clothes I'm a genie. But alas, I was rejected by my parents because I didn't have the blue skin that the genies normally have.

Dr. Sapphira Pratchett: Aww... That is sad! How can a parent reject their own blood?

London: Yeah, that isn't nice of them. Look at me! I was altered by aliens when I was still in my mother's womb and got their bluish skin tone, but my parents accepted me and still love me for who I am. After all, I am their own child. Just a little different with my skin tone. 

Kerbie: Yeah, you are extremely lucky to have such nice parents. Wish I could say the same!

London: Oh well, in the end, it is who you really are and who you want to be... It doesn't matter who your parents are... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Dr Sapphira: Sage words indeed!

And then we have another guest!

Suzi-2: Beeb boob! Y'all, my primary functions are as follows: Steal chef, Solar Powered, Mood Adjuster, Sense of humor, Competent Cleaner, Friendly functions, and Sentience. I am standing by and waiting for your instructions.

London: What? A robot? Are you here to serve us? Did the host send you? That's awesome! By the way, where is he or she? It's getting cold and miserable out here. A warm cosy room and a hot chocolate will be so much better.

Suzi-2: Yeah... I am a robot, but I'm not here to serve you. I got invited to a dinner party at this address.
Kerbie: Wow! This will be the first time that I attend a party with a robot! But at least you seem okay and have all the good traits!

Meanwhile, at another entrance gate, 2 other guests are waiting to be invited inside.

Penelopina Phancey: My parents gave me this weird name Penelopina, but one day you can call me Butterfly Seahorse. Don't I look more like a Butterfly than a Penelopina?  

Katie Andrews: Haha, you do... By the way, I'm Katie Andrews, and very happy with my name!

Penelopina: Please, don't understand me wrong! I do love my parents by heart, but they really need to spend more time with me. Money isn't everything. 

Katie: That's so true... But we should understand that parents want to provide for their children the best way they can. We should love them for that!

Penelopina: Yeah, I kn... But what the hell? *looking sideways*

Minnie Lotherham: Gotcha! Weeee.....!! Hahaha...

Penelopina: Oh my heart! Who the hell are you? And why did you do that for?

Minnie: Hey y'all! My name is Minnie Lotherham and I'm a magician and a member of the elite group Red Lotus. Do you know them?

Penelopina: Never heard of them. Are they good? *still shaking but doesn't want to be rude*

Minnie: We are the best magicians in the town! I can't believe that you never heard of us! Oh sorry... I didn't catch your names?

Katie: Katie Andrews

Penelopina: Just call me Penny? 

Quinn Higgins: And I'm Quinn! *another guest barged in to get out of the rain* Please to meet you all! Am I late?

Minnie: I arrived a millisecond before you. So we're definitely not late!

Penelopina: Sure, you're not late! 

Quinn: So can we go in?

Katie: We could've if the doors weren't locked.

Minnie: Wait, what? Why aren't the doors not open? What kind of host is this to let your guests wait outside?

Kerbie: Guys...? Why is it suddenly dark in here and what is that? *pointing to the smoke that slowly moves closer toward them*

But before anyone could answer they started to cough. And Suzi-2 also found that her mechanical body couldn't function either.

Katie: Guys? What's going on? *coughing* Why do I feel all of a sudden nauseous?

Penelopina: Yeah and I can't breathe! What's happening?

To be continued...


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