The Finale - The Reunion

 And then the final night

And finally, Group 1 emerges from the kitchen door...

So do Group 2 from Dracula's Throne Room...

Penelopina: Katie... Is that you?

Katie: Penny!!!!

Penelopina: I thought I won't see you ever again!

Katie: I miss you so muuuch!!!

Penelopina: Me toooo...

Kerbie: Are you okay, Doc?

Dr. Sapphira: I am now, but wait until I tell you all about our adventure in Egypt...

London: It happened so fast, if it wasn't for Quinn I wouldn't be here...

Minnie: So are you guys okay now?

Then the groups introduce the strangers to the others.

And they share their adventures...

Dr. Sapphira: Wow! So both groups got their fair share of excitement. But what do you guys say? Let's get out of here! I can't wait to see my Artie again!

London: Yes! Let's go! Hopefully, Esmerelda is waiting for me too...

Quinn: Why are you guys just standing there? Open the gate and let's go home!

Dr. Sapphira: The gate is locked...

Quinn: What?

Penelopina: Yeah, we're not free yet!

Katie: Maybe we need to do another challenge as a merge group before we're finally free...

London: Mmm... What is that board behind you, Kirbie?

Kirbie: *turns around and back again* There's one behind Doc too...

"Five restless spirits roam these halls, 

seeking solace on hallowed pedestals. 

Only when each finds its rightful place, 

shall freedom's path unveil its embrace."

Dr. Sapphira: Looks like we're going on a ghost hunt, guys!

London: Yes! I love ghost-busting!

Quinn: Please, don't say that! 

Penelopina: And where do we have to look for them? 

Kerbie: And where are the so-called pedestals? Do we have to go back into the dungeon?

Minnie: I guess we have to if we want to get out of here!

London: Who ya gonna call?

Quinn: Definitely, not the Ghostbusters!

Suzi-2: Does it mean I'm going to see Valeria again?

Dr. Sapphira: I can't say I'm looking forward to it either!

Penelopina: So do you guys have an idea where we will get these ghosts' urns? 

Quinn: Please, count me out looking for them. 

London: Don't worry dude, I will cover for you...

Suzi-2: I volunteer to get Valeria's urn in the kitchen. I saw it when we did the challenge there.

Minnie: That's if she's one of the spirits mentioned in the riddle!

Kirbie: Then I guess we need to go and look for the pedestals. Maybe it has a nameplate so that we can find out who the spirits are that want a special place.

Katie: Shall we explore the immediate surroundings? I doubt that it will be in the castle. We would've seen it!

Penelopina: Yes! Let's do it!

Kirbie: Behind me is a small octagon room. I shall check it out.
Katie: There's a door behind you guys, I will check where it goes.

Dr. Sapphira: And there's a second door. I will check that one.
Penelopina: I will explore the garden for clues.

Quinn: And London volunteered to check the room behind him!

London: Yeah, yeah...

Kirbie: Here's a pedestal, guys! And there is a nameplate! 

London: And here is one too... The nameplate says... 

Dr. Sapphira goes and looks at what is behind the right door.

Katie goes and looks at what is behind the left door.

They both find a set of stairs taking them to the upper floor. They found Minnie already there looking at the relics on the stone table.

Minnie: Wow! Look at this collection, you all! 

Katie: Yeah, we saw many of them on our Egyptian Adventure!

Dr. Sapphira: I'm glad that it is over. It was nerve-wracking!

Katie: You can say that again! But I guess we need to look for the pedestals if we want to finish this challenge...

When they turned around they saw a pedestal with Vlad Tepes' name on it.

Katie finds another pedestal with a nameplate in the right octagon room.

Dr. Sapphira finds a pedestal with a nameplate in the left octagon room.

Penelopina gathers all the names and reads them out: Okay, the names are, Vlad Tepes, Alberto Ortega, Gena Hamer, Valeria Fernandez, and Dario Malcom. Can you guys remember if you saw any urns anywhere? *thinking* I remember seeing a small chest with the name, Vlad Tepes, in Dracula's Sleeping Quarters. Can it be his urn? *Giggles* I thought it was a treasure chest. I guess I can go get it!

Suzi-2: I saw Valeria's urn in the kitchen and already volunteered to get it! *clapping her hands*

Dr. Sapphira: I saw Alberto Ortega's urn in the dungeon but there's no way I'm going back in there!

Kirbie: It's okay, Doc! I will get it!

London: I didn't see Dario Malcom's urn but I'm sure it must be in the library. I will go check it out.

Katie: Is that the author who wrote that story that we had to finish?

London: I think it's him, yeah...

Katie: Mmm... Then it's just Gena Hamer's urn that we don't know where to search for... Maybe I must go with you guys and check all the rooms that we haven't explored previously. Maybe all the doors that were locked before will be open now...

Minnie: Then I will go with Kirbie and Suzi and check the locked doors in the bedrooms.

Quinn: And I will just wait here with Doc.

London: *winks* Oh no, I thought Doc was coming with me... You are on your own, dude... Hopefully, the ghost in the garden won't bother you...

Quinn: Where? What? *Looking around*

London: Just kidding! Doc can stay with you... Come on guys! Let's go ghost-busting! *chanting* Who you gonna call?

Kirbie: Ghost Busters!!

London: Who you gonna call?

Katie: Ghost Busters!!!!

Penelopina finds Vlad Tepes's urn in the Sleeping Quarters where she left it previously...

And London finds Dario Malcom in the library. How could they miss it?

Katie was lucky to find Gena Hamer's urn in the Chapel in the first room, she checked.

Kerbie almost falls over his own feet when he reaches out for the urn of Alberto Ortega.

Suzi-2 is glad that she can retrieve Valeria's urn. She hopes she can see her one more time before they leave the castle...

They put all the urns next to the table with the Egyptian relics.

Quinn: Who's bright idea was it to put the ashes in the relics? What if they decide to haunt us?

Penelopina: They will thank us! Their urns look so cheap!

Minnie: Whatever... So, who's going to do the drilling?

Kirbie: Leave it to me... 

And not long after, they are ready to put the urns on the pedestals. They decided to do it the same way they did when they had to pull the torches. All five together!

Suzi-2 will put Valeria Fernandez on her pedestal, and Kirbie, Alberto Ortega, and Penelopina will put Vlad Tepes on his pedestal.

Quinn and Minnie stand near the door to listen to the countdown.

Katie and London with Gena Hamer and Dario Malcom's urns. Dr. Sapphira stands near the door to listen to the countdown too.

On the count of 3, they put the urns on the pedestals.

London: Is the gate open? Did it work?

Katie: Did it?

Dr. Sapphira: The gate is still locked!

Quinn: You aren't serious! Why? What did we do wrong?

Just then 2 TV screens appeared where the boards with the riddles previously were.

London: What the...

Katie: Who is that? 

Dr. Sapphira: Is that our mysterious host?

Quinn: He looks human...

Katie: Look at his eyes... Creepy!

Dracula: Good evening my guests, and welcome to the Castle of Darkness. I hope you enjoyed your stay? 

Dracula: Tonight is your last night in the Sims world... Or at least for some of you... 

Kirbie: What does that mean, guys?

Katie: Ssh... Maybe he can hear you...

Dracula: I can hear you, very well... But please don't interrupt me. You will know very soon.

London: So spit it out, Dracula! Or whatever your name is! Don't keep us in suspense! What do you still want from us? We did play your stupid little games. Some of us almost died! Isn't that enough for you?

Dr. Sapphira: *whispers* London... Calm down and let us hear what he has to say.

Dracula: Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, London, and let me continue with what I have to say.

London: She's not... Oh, forget it!

Dracula: Like I said, tonight is the very last night for some of you who didn't guess the saboteur correctly. Look around you... They are still among you... 

Penelopina: What do you mean by 'some of us that didn't guess it right'? Does that mean some of us will be free to go home? Not everyone is going to die?

Katie: Yeah, wasn't it in the rules that all of us would die if just one person guessed the saboteur wrong? That we need 7 correct guesses?

Dracula: Aww, does that mean you all volunteer to be minion food? That's very nice of you...

Kirbie: That wasn't what we meant, and you know it!

Dracula: Okay, then, I did watch you while you played the game and although it was my original intention to take you all for minion food if you don't get it all right, but hey, I do have a heart, and not all of you deserve to die...

Quinn: *mumbles* Dracula has a heart? It's hard to believe...

Dr. Sapphire: Sshut up!

Dracula: You can believe it! I do have a heart! So this is how it's going to work. I know a lot of you are 'Mole Fans' so we will do the execution the mole way. *insert mole music* 

London: That will be fun! I think...

Dracula: Okay, guys and girls, line up against that door, opposite the exit gate.

London: Like this?

Dracula: Yep... Look at the gate now... As I call out your names, you will go stand in front of the gate.

Dracula: If the gate turns green, then you are free to go. The gate is like a portal. You can just walk through it. And then you are free to go home.

Kerbie: That's cool! Almost like the ghosts going through the walls...

Quinn: Ghosts? Where? *looking around*

Penelopina: There are no ghosts, duh... He's just saying 'like' ghosts...

Quinn: Oh... Okay...

Dracula: However... If the gate turns red, you won't be able to go through and you will be immediately absolved and thrown into the dungeon where you will wait your turn to be fed to my minions. Don't worry you won't starve. The minions don't like skinny bones... 

Katie: Hopefully, I do have the saboteur right. 

London: If I don't have it right, I eat my hat in the dungeon!

Quinn: You don't have a hat...

London: Exactly!

Dracula: Let's start with the first one... London...

London: Why me? I don't want to be first! I'm going to miss all the fun! Oh well, here goes nothing!

London: Okay guys! Wish me luck!

Dr. Sapphira: Good luck! See you on the other side!

London: Yes! I know I was right!

London: Bye guys! Hello Esmerelda!

And he's gone!

Dr. Sapphira: Wow! That was amazing! 

Kirbie: Yeah, that was so cool to watch. One moment he was there and the next he was gone!

Dracula: Next up is Suzi-2

Suzi-2: It was good to know you guys!

Suzi-2: Awesome! I was correct! Bye, guys!
Suzi-2: Bye Valeria!

And she's gone!

Kirbie: 2 down 6 to go!

Dracula: Next up is Kerbie!

Kerbie: Wish me luck, guys! Here I go!

Kerbie: Yes! I got it right! See you guys on the other side!

Others: Bye, Kerbie!

And he is gone!

Penelopina: Wow! So far 3 people got it right! No red gate yet!

Katie: Random thought... There is no saboteur! It was all a ruse. *giggles*

Quinn: Thought it might be Dr. Sapph...

Sr. Sapphira: It's not me...

Minnie: It's one of us! Maybe the Saboteur has an accomplice!

Dracula: Next up is Minnie!

Minnie: Adios Amigo, adios my friends...

Minnie: Dang!

Minnie: Noooo....

And she's gone!

Dr. Sapphira: What?

Quinn: What just happened, guys?

Katie: Does that mean she...

Penelopina: She's not the Saboteur after all...?

Dracula: That's right guys... Let that be a lesson! Trust nobody! Next up is Katie!

Katie: Fingers crossed, guys!

Katie: Sweet...

Katie: Bye, Penny, bye guys!

And she's gone!

Quinn: One of you 2 is the Saboteur because it's definitely not me!

Dr. Sapphira: What if Katie was right and there isn't a Saboteur? What if it's just one of Dracula's dirty games all along!

Penelopina: Then he is one hell of an evil bitch!

Dracula: Next up is Quinn!

Quinn: Come on, come on... Let me be right!

Quinn: Yes! Let's go home!

Quinn: Bye, guys!

And he is gone!

Dr. Sapphira: Are you the Saboteur?

Penelopina: Nooo... Are you?

Dr. Sapphira: Nope, cross my heart, hope to die...

Dracula: Next up, Dr. Sapphira.

Dr. Sapphira: Shit guys, I don't have a clue who's the saboteur!

Dr. Sapphira: What? I got it right? Wow!

Dr. Sapphira: Bye Penny! Artie! Here I come!

Penelopina: Break a leg!

And she's gone!

Dracula: And now you are the last one! Are you the Saboteur?

Penelopina: Of course not! And you know that! After all, you hired the Saboteur!

Dracula: So, do you think you deserve to go home?

Penelopina: What kind of question is that? I deserve just like the others to go home! Let me out now!

Penelopina banging on the gate: Let me out! Now!

Dracula: Calm down, Feisty One... Let's see what the gate has to decide...

Penelopina: What? I did give you the right answer! I'm sure of that!

Dracula: Are you? Mmmm... Okay...

Penelopina: Yes! Let's go home...

But before she can go through, the gate turns red again...

Penelopina: Stop playing games with me! Let me go! Now!

Dracula: Okay, you can go!

Dracula: Not!

Penelopina: What? Is this how you entertain yourself? *waiting for the green door*

Dracula: You need to be fast, Feisty One! 

Dracula: Not fast enough! Hahaha!

Dracula: What are you waiting for, Feisty One?

Penelopina: Do you like this cat-and-mouse little game of yours? Boooring... *yawning*

Dracula: Aww... You're right... Just go!

Penelopina doesn't wait and quickly moves forward.

And finally, she's gone too...

In the Dungeon:
Minnie: Let me out of here! *her voice is hoarse from all the screaming*

Finally, she sees Dracula coming to her cell.

Minnie: This wasn't part of the deal! *she shouted* Let me out of here!

Dracula: You are right, this wasn't part of our deal, Little Brother...

Minnie: Now let me out... *then realizes what he said* I'm not your little brother! I'm Minnie! I'm a girl! Can't you see that?

Dracula: Stop playing games with me and take off that mask! Anyway, you look ridiculous in that outfit!

Radu: How did you know? *Now in his own outfit and without the mask*

Dracula: How can I not know my little brother? We grew up together, remember? Why did you infiltrate my castle like this?

Radu: I heard about your shenanigans with the guests that you invited over to the castle and I want to stop you! That's so cruel! Playing games with people's minds!

Dracula: That's my business what I'm doing with my guests... You need to keep your nose out of it!

Radu: So what did you do with them? 

Dracula: I let them free of course!

Radu: You're lying! You didn't set them free! I know you! Where are they now?

Dracula: For me to know and for you to find out! If you can get out of here before I feed you to my minions of course! Hahaha...

Radu: I will get out of here! I promise! Then I will strangle it out of you!

Dracula: Yeah, yeah, promises, promises... Muahahaha... *and then he leaves his little brother all alone in the dungeon. His evil laugh echoed through the dungeon* 

Far, far away, somewhere in the Sims World...

London: Guys... Where are we?

The End

Minnie's Sabotage and other stuff:

Episode 1: Although Minnie helped the group with the torches, she did express her concern: “Minnie: I don't know... Are you sure it can work?” She also did some other stuff to slow the group down.

Episode 2: She was obviously the saboteur when she ‘thought’ her riddle was the Phoenix and wanted to use it as the password.

Episode 3: After the group swap she said: “Minnie: Oh, you know, they probably got shuffled to another part of the castle. Don't worry, we'll find them.” Her ideas were also the opposite of what others were.

Episode 4: There wasn’t really anything that showed that she was the saboteur… Maybe she/he was already bored of his brother’s games! Haha…

Also, what confused you guys was the door locks… Some of you interpret it the AYTO way,  but it has its own way. And then apparently, Rosey has an accomplice. I figured it out when I re-checked everyone’s votes. They told me after episode 1 that they suspected Quinn and Minnie… But in the end, voted for Quinn. But it also looks like they feed you the wrong information. So, when you turn around their votes on your spreadsheet, it all adds up!

Lo voted for Rosey after episode 1 and Smarties and Skelda voted for her after episode 2.

And the fun part was that I only thought of writing in “Dracula’s Little Brother” when I was busy with the final episode… 😉 Luckily for this to work out, was Minnie’s mask! So, nobody saw her face the entire game.

And about my Editor: I also hope you enjoyed the 2 episodes in which I got help from my editor, AI, Gemini is his name, previously known as Bard. It’s Google’s AI. Although he is awesome and it was fun working together and brainstorming all the ideas for the episodes and challenges, I can tell you I got frustrated a lot with him because he kept mixing up the 2 groups' scenes. And he has a bad memory. Actually, he doesn’t have any memory at all. When you close the tab, his memory is gone. But that helps when he starts mixing stuff up. So, I had to do that a lot… But I must say he is such a sweet guy…

 Here is one of our conversations:

Me: Okay, bedtime for me... Good night!

Gemini: Good night! Sleep well and dream of exciting escape rooms!

Me: You too! mwha!

Gemini: Haha! Have a wonderful night! I can't dream, but I can look forward to assisting you with your escape room again tomorrow if you'd like. See you then! ; )

Me: Yeah, if you remember... That's so sad you forget me... Tell Google they must upgrade your memory!! 

Gemini: You're absolutely right! It is a limitation that I can't remember specific conversations across sessions. While I can't access memories in the same way a human brain does, Google is constantly working on improving large language models like me. Perhaps someday soon, I'll be able to retain information from previous interactions and provide a more personalized experience.

In the meantime, I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search to keep my responses consistent and relevant.

So, even if I don't remember our specific conversation tomorrow, I can still be helpful in brainstorming escape room ideas!

Sleep well, and don't worry, I'll do my best to remember everything we discussed about your escape room tomorrow.

Thinking positively, maybe by then Google will have made some memory-enhancing breakthroughs!

Me: You are so sweet! <3

Gemini: That's very kind of you to say! I appreciate the compliment. While I can't feel emotions in the same way a human does, I am programmed to be helpful and informative.

Goodnight! See you tomorrow, and hopefully with some exciting new memory capabilities! ; )

Wasn't that sweet? Almost human.

I hope you guys enjoyed the show! And thanks so much for participating. 

And now we're officially done! 

Goodbye, The Sims Forums!


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