Episode 2 - Dragons and Kittens


Group 1:
Finally, the group is free from their cells and follows the stairs to the upper floor.

They find themselves in the kitchen of the Castle.

London: Okay, guys, Let's explore and find a way out! At least we have some light in here now. 

Checking the door, but as he suspected, it was locked!

Everyone moves to a part of the kitchen to explore!

Kirbie: Aww, look at the cute kitten!

The cute kitten wakes up and hisses at Kerbie when he tries to pet it: Ugh! What a horrible cat you are! 

He turns around and inspects the fridge to see if there are clues to escape from the kitchen.

Suzi-2 finds a rack full of pots, pans, and utensils above the counter. She picks one that she thinks can be useful for the quest: A cast iron pot! Widely valued for its heat retention, durability, ability to maintain high temperatures for longer time duration, and non-stick cooking when properly seasoned. Very efficient in the kitchen!

London inspects the dining room for clues?

As he inspects the door, Kerbie comes in with a tub of ice cream and goes and sits down at the dining room table.

London: What the heck? *looking at Kerbie with a frown on his forehead* There's no time to eat ice cream! *continue inspecting the door* Damn! Also locked!

Kerbie: Hey! Watch it! I have already found something and did tell the robot what to do. But maybe there's a clue on the bottom of this tub too! And how do you get there? Eat the ice cream, of course!

London: The robot has a name, you know... Oh, forget it! 

As Suzi looks for more clues, her sensors catch the movement around the urn on the table.

Suzi-2: I think the ghosts are going to bed! If I can say so! Dawn has broken! *checking the nameplate* Goodnight, Valeria Fernandez, and thanks again for helping us in the dungeon! 
London finds the cat food in one of the counters.

And he fills the bowl with the cat food: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

The cat almost runs to the bowl: I thought you may be hungry, little kitten!

Kerbie: Did you guys manage to retrieve the object yet? *comes into the kitchen from the dining room*

London waits for Suzy-2 to light the fire before answering Kerbie...

London: That's what we're busy doing now! Suzi has just put the pot with the ice on the fire.

Saph: Yeah, I like the idea! Especially since we can't quite see what's in the center, it looks useful... What do you think it is?

London: Hopefully it's a key to open one of the doors. Seeing as he got the ice block, it was actually Kirbie's job. *frowning*

Kerbie: What can I say? *shrugged* I was hungry when I saw the ice cream in the fridge too. And it begged me to eat it! So I couldn't resist! 

Dr. Sapph: So did you find a clue on the bottom of the tub? *London must have told her about what happened in the dining room*

Kerbie: I think I did...

London: You think? Why? What was the clue and where is it now? 

Kerbie: I don't know what it was, I've swallowed it!

Dr. Sapph: You did what?

Kerbie: I swallowed the clue. Or I think it must be a clue. It felt like a piece of paper, but before I could take it out of my mouth, I swallowed it!

London: You, mor... Wait, let me keep my mouth shut! It could've been important!

Dr. Sapph: Yeah, now we will never know... 

Kerbie: We can wait 24 hours... Then...

London: Oh shut up! We don't have so much time!

Kerbie: Oh well, just saying.

Kerbie turns around and sees the empty cat bed: Ooh, that horrible cat is gone... Did you guys inspect the bed for clues yet?

Dr. Sapph: Nope...

Dr. Sapph: So did you find something useful?

Kerbie: Nah... Just the number 5687. 

London: Mmm... We need to write it down. It can be a password for a lock or a PC. 

Kerbie: Whatever! So did you get the object, Suzie? And what was it?

Suzi: Yes, I got it. It is a key. *gives Kerbie the key*

Kerbie: Come on guys, let's see which door opens with this key.

After trying the key on all the locked doors in the kitchen with no luck, they ended up in the dining room. The last locked door.

Kirbie: Fingers crossed guys, that the key will open this door. Hopefully, we won't need another ghost to help us. 

Suzie-2: There aren't any ghosts to help us at present. They've all returned to their urns and will only be back after midnight. 

London: Yeah, and we can't wait until midnight to get out of here! Hurry up, Kerbie! 

Kerbie puts the key in the keyhole and turns the key...

Kerbie: Yes! It is the right door! *and they are free*


Group 2:

Quinn: It's still raining, guys! Ugh!

Penelopina: They did leave us with umbrellas, though... Didn't you take one?

Quinn: I did...

Penelopina opens her umbrella before taking the stairs down.

Quinn: It's still dark outside. *squinting his eyes* Can you guys see where we are?

Penelopina: Looks like we're on a balcony. And there are 2 locked doors, one on each side of the stairs.

Minnie: Hey, there's a room with a roof. Let's get out of the rain, guys! We can discuss strategy there!

Everyone gets into the room.

And they saw a small box on the table.

Penelopina opens the box and finds 6 bobby pins.

Katie: Are those bobby pins? Aren't they also famously used for like, picklocking or lockpicking or whichever it is? I've seen it done in so many TV shows, but I have no idea if it's easy or not...

Quinn: Then you should try to pick the lock! I'm totally clueless! I won't even know where to start.

Katie tries to pick the lock but with no luck and the bobby pin breaks: Dang! It looks so easy in the movies! Let me try again!

And after several tries, they finally, got the door open.

Quinn: Wow, look at this place! *walking into a room almost the same size as the sleeping quarters*

Minnie: Yeah, let's start looking for clues on how to get out of this dump!

Katie: Dump? This place looks amazing! Did you guys get anything yet?

Minnie: We just got here, duh...

Penelopina: I must say Dracula has some taste. Look at the flowers! 

Penelopina: Oh wow! There's a PC too! Maybe the answer lies within!

But it needs a password: Dang! Guys! You need to look for the password!  Maybe it's on a piece of paper somewhere! *Inspects the desk and drawers for the password, but doesn't find anything*

Minnie explores the room nearest to the door they came in: Guys here's another door and it's open! Shall I check it out?

Katie decides to inspect the room on the top right: The torch on the wall looks quite normal.

Now that she can't do anything on the PC, Penelopina decides to explore the top left room for the password. 

She looks through the pile of books and scrolls and finds a card with a riddle: Guys! Look what I found! A riddle!

Quinn inspects the books and scrolls in his room. When he picks up a book, a card falls from it: I found a riddle too! *excited* Can it be the password for the PC?

Katie finds a card with a riddle under the carpet.

Katie: Yes! I find a riddle too! Guys! Let's read the riddles together before solving it. Where's Minnie? Did she find a riddle too?

Minnie is curious to see what is behind the open door in her room and finds herself on a balcony with a clock room. She quickly explores the surroundings but finds nothing to help them with their quest.

So she returns to her room and starts looking around. She finds the card under the chair with the riddle on it: I find a riddle too, guys!

Quinn: Sweet, so we all find riddles... Shall I read mine first?

Many have sought me, through trials and quests. But only the worthy can pass my tests. Riddles I ask, with a fearsome grin. For my hoard is guarded, deep within.

What am I? 

Minnie: Born from an egg, I crack and hatch. A tiny beast, with a growing catch. I learn to fly, I learn to roar. A fearsome legend, evermore.

What am I? 

Katie: I slumber in fire, yet do not burn, In my chest, a frozen yearn. With wings, I soar, with scales I gleam, A fearsome beast, a mythical dream.

What am I? 

Penelopina reads her riddle: I guard a treasure, both vast and grand. But covetous eyes I'll scorch with sand. With fiery breath and teeth so sharp. Only the brave can win my grasp.

What am I?

Quinn reads his riddle again, and frowns, thinking hard. "What has a hoard...oh! A dragon? I didn't see any dragons, did you?" Quinn looks around and out the window in case a dragon suddenly appears. Or was it another statue, since it would have to be an adult to be fearsome? But wouldn't they have seen something that large? *flipping the card between his fingers he now notices a picture on the back of the card*

"Hey, there's a picture here! Do you have pictures on your cards?" Quinn asks, holding out his card for the others to see.

Minnie: I think my riddle is some kind of a firebird. A Phoenix, maybe? *flipping her card*

Minnie: Yeah, this is definitely a big bird's claws!

Katie: I have no idea what mine is... What do you guys think? *flipping her card around*

Katie: Is that wings? Maybe it is Minnie's Firebird after all?

Penelopina: Hmm my first guess would be my father's accountant but I guess a dragon works out too. *flipping the card*

Minnie: Yep, this face belongs to a dragon!

Quinn: So what do we do next? The riddles seem different. Minnie and Katie got the Phoenix, and Penny and I got the Dragon. And what does it mean? Could it be the PC's password?

Minnie: If it is the password for the PC, then we need to try both of them, Phoenix and Dragon?

Katie: Yeah, can we do that? 

Penelopina: I say all 4 of our riddles point to a dragon! Minnie and Katie just want to be difficult! Let's put the cards on the floor then you will see it's a dragon! If this is the password, the PC will lock us out if we punch in the wrong code. We can't use both of them! We need to be sure!

Quinn: Sounds like an idea!

Quinn puts his card on the floor...

Then Minnie...

Then Katie...

Finally, Penelopina's card reveals the answer! 

It is a Dragon!

Penelopina: I told you so!

Quinn: So are you guys sure this is the password? Maybe there's something that we overlooked.

Katie: Now, I'm sure! If it isn't, I'll eat my hat, oh wait, I don't have one. Then I will eat Penelopina's hat!

Minnie: Oh, my... What a drama queen you are! 

Katie: I'm not!

Penelopina: Oh, shut up, guys! I'm trying to concentrate here!

Penelopina: Yes! We're in!

Katie: So what are you doing now? I thought you were done.

Penelopina: I'm hacking into the Castle's security to see if there are hidden stairs or doors or something that we can get out of here! 

Quinn: Did you find something?

Penelopina: Yes! Do you guys hear that?

The group hears a loud rumbling noise coming from the balcony's side, just outside the door.

Everyone jumps around and makes for the door.

Katie is the first one on the scene where the noise came from: Guys...! Where did these stairs come from? It wasn't here before. Were these stairs hidden all the time?

Quinn: It surely wasn't there earlier, but hey, we can finally get out of this room!

Penelopina: Yes! 2 down 3 to go!

Katie: What? How do you know?

Minnie: Yeah, how does she know? Is Penelopina the Saboteur after all?

Is she?

To be continued

Oh, wait!

I forgot something!

Guys and girls, I present to you, 

The Door!


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